NOAA Photo Library -
Homes Destroyed by the Storm Surge - Galveston, TX 1900 |

By John Fay
On the evening of Friday, September 7th, Galveston was serene,
picturesque and charming. The famous beach of glistening white
sand, packed as hard as asphalt, which fringed the saffron
waters of the gulf, was alive with merrymakers. The soft note
of music came pleasing to the ear. Beneath the palms of
Broadway men and women in tropic attire chatted and sauntered.
Cottage balconies held thousands eager to catch the soft gulf
breeze. Troops of shouting children reveled in the waters that
laved the sand.
.....It was the last night on
earth for more than five thousand souls. Between noon on
Saturday and midnight, one-seventh of the city's population
was exterminated. Suffocated in angry waters or crushed by
crumbling walls, they went to their death. An area equal to
one-third of the territory covered by the city was swept
clean, the wreckage piled up twelve hundred feet back from the
building-line on the beach, paralleling the water for four
miles. Streets and landmarks were effaced. Men who attempted
two days later to find the sites of their homes, became
confused in the sand. The property loss is still a matter of
speculation--of speculation in millions. The whole island was
submerged. The gulf and the bay, pushed from their beds,
rushed through the streets with a hurricane accompaniment, and
struggled for possession. The depth of water ranged from four
feet in the higher places to fifteen feet on the lower level.
Under normal conditions this city of thirty-eight thousand is
but five feet above the sea-level. There is little tide. As
one approaches from the sea, the city appears springing from
the bosom of the water. Land is not in sight. Like a floating
spectacle of fairyland Galveston greets the eye. Not until the
harbor is entered is the long tongue of sand back of the
Jetties, the treacherous site of the city, discernible.
Galveston Island is a sandbar twenty-five miles in length east
and west, and varying from one to two miles in width. It was
settled in 1847, and tradition has it that prior title was
vested in the person of pirate Lafitte. There he fled with his
buccaneers and the plunder of the Spanish main, and held
possession until encroaching civilization made the pirate
business unhealthy and hazardous.
..... There are no cellars in
Galveston. One cannot dig four feet without striking water,
Toward the western extremity the island approaches within a few
miles of the mainland. Here the city grappled the permanent
shore with three low bridges constructed on piling. The water to
the north of the island is Galveston Bay. To the south is the
wide expanse of the Mexican Gulf. At the far eastern end, lmost
overhanging the point where the waters of the gulf and bay
mingle, is the city. Why a city should thrive and develop on a
low sandbar eight miles from the nearest mainland, at the mercy
of the tropic winds and waves, may be puzzling, but Galveston
stands as an example of man's combat with nature.
Even before the government began the work which made Galveston
an ocean port, the city was thriving. Last year it was the
fourth wealthiest city, per capita, in the United States. The
deep-water channel on which the government has expended six and
a half millions of dollars comes in on the bay side. The nearest
mainland to the city is the site of Texas City, eight miles
northwest across the bay.
Galveston covers the shifting sands from bay to gulf for four
miles. The business district is on the bay side. The residences
are on the gulf and along the central avenues. At this point the
island is but e a trifle more than a mile wide. The streets run
at right angles, those from bay to gulf being numbered, and from
east to west alphabetically lettered.
The storm came over the bay from the north before daylight
Saturday morning. At 4 A.M. there was a heavy rain and the, wind
was blowing steadily about thirty miles an hour. When dawn came,
the sky was overcast with surging clouds, and the velocity of
the wind was increasing. The waters of the bay began to bank up
at the wharves. At 10 A.M. the inundation from the bay began.
Even then no alarm was felt. The wind took on new strength, and
the waters were carried four blocks through the business section
into Market Street. Ocean freighters dragged anchors in the
channel, and were sent crashing against the wharves. The wind
soon reached the hurricane stage, and buildings began to
crumble. First the copings would go, then sections of roofs and
walls. By this time the bay water had reached the highest point
on Tremont Street. The gulf was yet quiescent. Then a remarkable
thing happened. The wind suddenly shifted from the north to the
southeast. There was no lull, no breathing-spell, during this
movement. The hurricane increased in fury, and picking up the
waters of the gulf hurled them with crushing force against the
four miles of residences along the beach. There was no sea-wall,
nothing in the way of protection, and houses were knocked over
like so many card structures. The great loss of life was due to
the belief which prevailed ~ that the storm would subside before
the waters reached a dangerous elevation. People decided to
cling to their homes. Had they fled to the business district
when the waters of the gulf began the first mad rush across to
the bay, many would have been saved. When thousands attempted it
later, they lost their lives in the effort.
At three o'clock the gulf had spread over the city and mingled
in the streets with the waters of the bay. The violence of the
wind continued. Higher and higher rose the water. Cottages began
to collapse, and shrieks of agony from women in death-struggles
were heard. 'Twas then that many families abandoned their homes
for more substantial buildings. One family of five took refuge
in four different houses, abandoning each in turn just in time
to save itself. Death was busy in the streets during this
period. The water was four feet deep, and a shower of deadly
timbers, carried on the wings of the wind, was falling. Hundreds
struck by the flying wreckage fell unconscious in the water.
When night settled down upon the city, the whole beach side was
in process of destruction. Wreckage was thrown with the force of
a catapult against houses which still offered resistance.
The electric light and gas plants were flooded, and the city was
in darkness. The last record of the anemometer in the weather
bureau registered the velocity of the wind at eighty-four miles
an hour. Then the instrument was blown away.
..... Westward on the beach stood
the Catholic Orphan Asylum, a long, old-fashioned building, the
home of one hundred children and fifteen Sisters of Charity. The
structure was exposed to the full fury of the elements. Between
seven and eight o'clock, the building went down, and all but two
children perished. Two boys of seven years seized some wreckage
and were driven across the island, where they were found Sunday
in the sands near the bay. The body of one heroic Sister was
found eight miles away at Virginia Point, with the bodies of six
of her charges tied together and attached to her with a rope.
The Orphanage tragedy was one of the most deplorable of that
dreadful night. The Ursilline Convent, a substantial brick
building five blocks back from the beach, was a haven for all
the people in the neighborhood. The Sisters dragged many out of
the tumbling waters, using poles and ropes to rescue the
drowning When the flood subsided, there were one thousand
persons who were saved by convent walls.
..... Far down beach at Fort
Crockett, twenty-seven members of Battery O, First Artillery U.
S. A., Capt. W. C. Rafferty commanding, met death. The battery
had been divided. Half the men were at Fort San Jacinto near the
entrance to the harbor. The rest were in the barracks back of
Fort Crockett At 2 P.M. Captain Rafferty with a detail was
examining the condition of the big ten-inch gun which commands
the gulf. The waters were bombarding the works much of the
effectiveness of shot and shell. The captain became alarmed, and
ordered a man to bring Ms. Rafferty, the children, and a
servant, to the gun. He had decided to take refuge in a small
steel room beneath the gun-carriage. He watched the man depart
and in five minutes saw him knocked off his feet and drowned.
The captain stripped to his shirt and trousers, and, half
swimming and wading, reached his home. He sent a warning word to
the barracks, and with his family abandoned his house and began
the return journey to the gun. He had supplied himself with an
improvised raft, on which he placed the children with their
backs to the strangling spray. The women never flinched, and
soon all reached the gun in safety. If the trembling foundation
gave way, or the gun collapsed, it meant death. the room below
was low and without ventilation. Huge waves pounded and broke
over the works. The steel door of the room was dashed in, the
servant-girl struck by a wave and carried out to her death
before a hand could save her. For hours the family were
imprisoned with a deluge roaring over and around them. In the
end, the soldier's judgment proved correct.
The gun triumphed over wind and sea. In the barracks the big,
bronzed artillerymen made hasty preparations to leave. When the
captain's message came, Senior Sergeant George called the men to
attention and said: "Boys, it is every man for himself. This
building won't stand half an hour. I am going to get out."
Instantly a division of opinion developed. Many decided to
remain in the barracks. Others decided to go to the Denver
Resurvey school building, a short distance away. About thirty
started for the school house, swimming and wading. Three were
lost on the way, carried with millrace velocity down the island
and into the bay. The others reached the school. Of the men who
remained in the barracks, seven were lost; five escaped,
clinging to wreckage. Two hours after the men took possession of
the school building, the water was five feet deep on the first
floor. Then one of the walls fell and killed three men. The
question of abandoning the building came up. Sixteen men
declared they preferred to take their chances in the water
rather ' than remain and be crushed. Eight decided to stick to
the building. The sixteen had no plan except to leave and
proceed to the nearest buildings. Wreckage was floating about
and in some places they could walk but for a moment. Just one of
the sixteen escaped. The current swept fifteen across the island
into the bay, and Tuesday their bodies were buried at Virginia
Point. The man who was saved floated on a section of roof to
Virginia Point. He was carried two miles inland, and there
exchanged his raft for a telegraph pole, to which he clung until
the waters receded. The men who remained in the school building
were saved. No portion of the structure fell except the wall
which drove the fifteen to their death. An incident bordering on
the marvelous is told by Captain Rafferty. A soldier on detail
at Bolivar Point, near the harbor entrance, was carried forty
miles on wreckage and tossed up on the mainland at Cedar Bayou.
He was found by fishermen and brought back to his quarters on
Tuesday. While we are on the marvelous, the case of the boy
Rutter is apropos. He lost his father and mother, brother and
sister. When the house collapsed he found himself in the water
near a trunk. He seized it and hung on until he landed at
Hitchcock, twenty miles from Galveston, the next morning.
A butcher named Meyer was met by Father Kirwin Monday morning
trudging in from the west. He told the priest he was carried out
in the gulf Saturday night, floated on a raft all night, all
Sunday and Sunday night, and just landed that morning at seven
o'clock. " The most remarkable incident that came to me was from
an honest fellow, a member of my parish, " said the priest. "He
lost his wife and child and was floating along, half dazed, on a
raft, when he saw two children struggling in the water. He
seized them and found that their combined weight threatened to
sink his raft. He jumped off, and pushed the raft against a
stable which had lodged against a telegraph-pole. He placed the
children in the wet hay in the upper part of the stable, and
going out on his raft, fell asleep. When he awoke, he found
himself on the dry street, and forgetting all about the children
came uptown. The next day he remembered the little ones and
returning to the stable found them crying. They were his
sister's children. " Between nine and ten o'clock on Saturday
night the water reached its maximum height. A score of
coolheaded witnesses assert that it rose eighteen inches in
twenty minutes. The beach wreckage, hurled inland in great
piles, proved a barrier to much of the destructive force of the
waters. The wind, which is believed to have attained a velocity
of more than one hundred miles an hour, carried off roofs,
crushed buildings already weakened by water, leveled poles and
wires, and drove the rain almost horizontally and with shot like
effect. Galveston homes are constructed for comfort and not on
solid lines. Cedar posts, brick columns, and brick foundations
imbedded a few feet in the sand, are the usual substructure.
When the waters rose above the foundations, the houses, driven
by the wind and waves, floated off and collapsed. West of
Thirty-fifth Street, clear across the island, the waters made a
clean sweep. The cemetery is in that vicinity.
dead of years were washed from their graves and carried across
to the mainland. A metallic casket weighing two hundred pounds
was found at Virginia Point. No one attempts to explain how it
was lifted out of the cemetery , and driven over seven miles of
submerged island and two miles of bay. It was there, however,
and examined by many persons. Scarcely less astonishing were the
gyrations of the huge Huntington dredge. It was driven out of
the harbor across the bay to Texas City, over the mainland for a
mile, and now rests quietly in the tall grass beside the
Southern Pacific Railway. A tramp steamer was carried over to
Virginia Point, then sent like a shot through all three bridges.
Sections of the two railroad bridges and one wagon bridge were
cut out so cleanly that men interested in naval architecture are
amazed at the resistance of the sea tramp's hull. The steamers
"Alamo" and "Red Cross" were dropped upon Pelican Flats, and
when the waves retreated they were high and dry in the sand. The
English steamer "Kendal Castle" was carried over to the mainland
at Texas City, and there she lies in one foot of water.
The "Gylla" was
sent toward Virginia Point and stranded. Yachts and sailboats
were driven over the mainland and could be seen in the grass far
beyond Texas City. Railroad ears, loaded and empty, w ere
carried into the bay, and miles of track torn up and washed
away. At 9:30 P.M. the water was four and a half feet deep in
the office of the Tremont House. The dome had been carried away,
and the one thousand or more persons crowding the floors
expected every moment to go down with the building. Many were
drowned trying to reach the hotel. Wives under the escort of
husbands walked in water shoulder-deep only to be swept from the
sidewalks to the deeper water in the street and drowned.
..... Between ten and eleven, the
wind fell and the water rapidly receded. Before daylight the
streets were clear of water, but covered with a slime from the
sea and choked with wreckage. On that Sunday morning the people
did not realize the full proportions of the horror. It was not
until men came in from the beach and the west end, bringing news
of the almost total destruction of that portion of the city, and
of the heaps of dead in the streets, that full realization began
to dawn upon them. It was not necessary to go to the beach to
find the dead. They were thick along the business streets.
Jones, Chief of Police Ketcham, John Sealy, and other citizens,
called a meeting to discuss removal of the dead and succor for
the living. An appeal was sent to Washington, and General
McKibben of were ordered to kill any man found plundering the
dead. Sunday night, Monday and Monday night, many negroes were
killed. How many never will be known, for a part of the
instructions were: "Make no report." Tuesday, Adj.-Gen. Thomas
Scurry, of the State Military Department, arrived. The Galveston
company was mustered out, and a Houston company ordered into
service. Thereafter there was no killing. Galveston now affects
to believe no negroes were killed, but testimony on the other
side is conclusive. Martial law was proclaimed by General
Scurry, and made systematic and regular. The citizens perfected
their organization, and general orders were issued to everybody
to "clean up." Women and children were allowed to leave the
city, but men were requested to remain and assist in removing
the dead. The public was barred out. There was no lack of food.
Bacon, canned goods and flour were there in plenty. If the
Department of Texas received orders to send one thousand tents
and ten thousand rations to the stricken city. It was believed
at that time that perhaps one thousand lives had been lost. A
committee of public safety was organized, and all men, white and
black, were asked to assist in the removal of the dead. The
superstitious negroes refused. A local military company was
called out, armed, and placed under the command of the Chief of
Police. Negroes were impressed wherever found, and compelled, at
the muzzle of a Winchester, to gather in the bodies.
Father Kirwin
was one of the first to discover it would be impossible to bury
the dead on land. Hughes, a longshoreman, suggested barges and
burials at sea. Society men, clubmen, millionaires, longshoremen
and negroes took up the work, loading the bodies on drays and
conveying them to the barges. There was a dreadful procession of
these drays all Sunday and Monday. Three barge loads of the dead
were towed out to sea and given back to the waves. The weights
were not properly attached, and soon the corpses were back in
the surf tossing on the beach. Sunday afternoon the first
robbing of the dead was reported. The Galveston men were then on
guard. Captain Rafferty had collected his decimated battery, and
at the urgent request of citizens, protected the business
district. The Galveston Volunteers there was suffering, it was
due to the lack of system in distributing the food. The
citizens' committee took charge of grocery stores and gave food
to all known to be in w ant. After the storm, the weather turned
sultry. By Monday the city reeked with the smell of a
charnel-house Pestilence . was in the air. Dead animals strewed
the streets. The waters of the bay and gulf were thick with the
dead, both human and a animal. All of the lime, carbolic acid
and camphor in the city was quickly consumed. An urgent appeal
was sent to Houston a for disinfectants.
The same appeal
a was sent all over the country. Tuesday, a general cremation of
the dead began. Trenches were first dug and lined with wood. The
corpses were tossed in and covered with more wood, saturated
with oil and set on fire It was found that this method was not
so effective as the pyre. Bodies were then collected and placed
in piles of wreckage and the whole was given to the flames. Men
engaged in this horrible task frequently found relatives and
acquaintances' and in some instances their own wives and
children. One poor fellow examined the teeth of every female
corpse in a vain quest for his wife's body. The men wore a
camphor-bags under their noses, and frequently became so
nauseated they were forced to cease work. The fire purified the
air as well as the earth, and was a great factor in saving the
city from scourge. Disinfectants began to come in and were used
with a lavish hand. The streets were covered with a solution of
lime. Carbolic acid was showered everywhere. By Friday the
waters of the bay and gulf had been partially relieved of the .
dead. A great pall of smoke overhung the city, telling the story
of the incinerating in progress along the beach. The task seemed
overwhelming to the fifteen hundred men who were employed. A
small street-railway bridge, spanning an inlet in the gulf, gave
up forty-one dead. The bodies had floated in, caught in the
timbers and rails, and remained there. For fifty miles along the
coast, on both sides of Galveston, the storm found victims. The
waters of the sea were carried inland ten miles all along the
coast. Bales of cotton and wreckage from Galveston were found at
Lamarque' where ten persons lost their lives. The island city
will never again be popular as a city of homesūnot until some
engineering genius constructs a seawall, or successfully
elevates the city ten feet above its present level. These things
are not beyond the bounds of possibility. The Southwest requires
a port, and Galveston is a natural outlet. Millions have been
invested there by the government, by corporations, by exporters
and capitalists. All are of one voice as to the future.